Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu - Anime - AniDB (2025)


Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu is yet another light novel-based show with a ridiculous long name. In essence, it could be said it is simply yet another light novel-based show, period, because it utterly oozes the very essence of this concept. Everything you have seen in modern adaptations is here. Everything.

Doreima (for short, because fuck these long names) starts with a comical flick. It picks a random japanese guy and puts him inside an MMO of sorts without any warning in the guise of his in-game character, Diablo. He is damn powerful and well-equiped though, and as the two summoners from the MMO attempt to cast an enslavement charm on him, the spell is reflected and the two end up being his slave in turn. Yes. Diablo now has a flat-chested tsundere and an elf with massive boobs under his command.

  1. Yes, it’s all there, you see?
    Stuck in a game? Yes. Random japanese with anti-social issues? Yes. Powerful character? Yes. Girl-magnet attractor even though he is timid? Yes. MMO elements at every corner? Yes. Let us not forget the long name too. There are plenty of the modern elements present in every fucking light novel around. It’s sad to see that. The premise can be a bit funny, but an instant analyzing the show and you get that sensation of being in front of something you’ve already seen. I mean, think "Show about a guy stuck in a MMO world with an overpowerful character" and you can only be thankful it is not a "Show about an overpowerful guy in a magic-related school".

    But this time it is an ecchi
    Well, in fact, it starts pretty heavy in this department, with a lot of bizarre ecchi moments that go beyond the contemporary shyness of teens. Diablo could issue commands to his two slaves, but he doesn’t even need to do that as he got an imbued girl-magnet in his ass. Those two girls will swarm over him, and at some moments he will act with a little more perversion than the average otaku lead.

    And that’s the heart of the show
    Diablo or random japanese guy? Most of the comedy aspect of this lingers on the fact that Diablo randomly acts like an evil overlord or like a shy japanese teen. It gets some funny moments early on, but it gets old quite quickly. The same can be said about the ecchiness too, as there is a wide gap without the super-horny stuff presented in the first set of episodes.

    It happens for the sake of... plot?
    When not masturbating his girls or freezing in front of them, Diablo is doing quests as an adventurer with a level far above every other entity in this world. Yes. Overlord all over again, although instead of giving an idea of world-conquest we now have an idea of slave-hoarding, much like what happened in Death March during the previous season. Along with questing comes the fact that Rem, one of the slaves, is hosting the soul of the new Demon Lord of the MMO and requires Diablo’s help to quell it.

    There are some side-questing too in an attempt to give more reason for the elven slave, Shera, to exist, as well as some other girls that come to form the harem around Diablo. It’s a decent medieval fantasy fare if you compare with what is available in the anime industry, but sadly it is boring because Diablo is said from the very beginning to be so powerful nothing can be a challenge to him. Evil lords and mages, surprise monster attacks, and greedy nobles seems a waste of time more than an attempt to develop the cast.

    For an ecchi, the horny early and late parts do a good job and the basic plot at least gets things moving from episode to the next. There is a great help in the art department, which makes generic characters look sharp and deliver the ridiculous soft-porn scenes with enough spice and expression. Nothing, however, breaks any grounds or even tries to do so. Perhaps turning this into straight-on hentai may have been better if it kept this quality.

Okay. I just finished writing this review and decided to take a look at the one I did for Death March a few months ago and... damn. I certainly could simply switch the anime title and you would never know the difference. Doreima is not simply the very concept of recent light novels, but also its execution and style. There is nothing new here, nothing to break the barrier of a genre with a lot of walls such as the "guy in magic school".

It’s sad to see that even when the show manages to be entertaining. Similar shows are doomed to exist, but these recent trends of picking the same tale and repeating it over and over with slightly different designs and backgrounds is a waste of talent and creativity of the industry.

Anyway, if you enjoyed Death March, maybe a bit of Overlord, or Smart Phone, you can have your deal of fun, but that’s it.

Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu - Anime - AniDB (2025)
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